Trademark 3840-480

Selected IMU Papers for January 2023 - Smart Hardware

Thesis Title_ENPaper Title_CNDownload
Wearable Sensors and Artificial Intelligence for Physical Ergonomics: A Systematic Review of LiteratureLiterature Review: Wearable Sensors and Artificial Intelligence for Physical ErgonomicsDownload
Development of a Wearable Framework for the Assessment of a Mechanical-Based Indicator of Falling Risk in the FieldDevelopment of a wearable framework for mechanical-based indicators to assess fall risk in the fieldDownload
Monitoring safety behaviors of scaffolding workers using Gramian angular field convolution neural network based on IMU sensing dataGramian Angular Field Convolutional Neural Network Based on IMU Sensing Data for Monitoring Scaffold Workers' Safety BehaviorDownload
The Performance of Inertial Measurement Unit Sensors on Various Hardware Platforms for Binaural Head-Tracking ApplicationsPerformance of inertial measurement unit sensors on various hardware platforms for binaural head tracking applicationsDownload