Trademark 3840-480

OmniRing smart ring: smart health management on the finger with

Smart rings have gained immense popularity with the miniaturization of electronic components. These technologically advanced rings combine fashion with functionality, providing users with a variety of features at their fingertips. Smart rings can be used for a variety of purposes, including fitness tracking, mobile notifications, contactless payments, and even controlling smart home devices. Despite their small size, these devices are often equipped with sensors and wireless connectivity, allowing users to stay connected and seamlessly monitor their health and lifestyle.

A team of engineers at Penn State University recently developed a smart ring called the OmniRing, which has a smaller size, long battery life, incorporates a main processor and IMU sensors, and is waterproof, making it suitable for everyday use. It was designed with finger motion analysis and healthcare applications in mind, but the open design allows each user to customize it as needed.

The ring consists of a flexible printed circuit board with an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a photoelectric volumetric pulse wave (PPG) sensor, and is equipped with an Arm Cortex-M64 processor, while the ring can be used in conjunction with cell phones, tablets, and other devices.

The OmniRing ring monitors activities such as running, eating, and sleep cycles to help the wearer adopt an active and healthy lifestyle.The OmniRing also measures heart rate, blood pressure, and emotional state, so it can benefit people with certain medical conditions such as heart disease or high blood pressure.

The IMU data is used to determine the effectiveness of the 3D finger tracking feature and is fed into a machine learning model that is trained to predict the position of the finger in 3D space.