Trademark 3840-480

Selected IMU Papers for May 2023 - Pose Estimation

Thesis Title_ENPaper Title_CNFile Links
Conservative Estimation of Inertial Sensor Errors Using Allan Variance DataConservative estimation of inertial sensor errors using Allan variance dataDownload
Method and experiments of excavator bucket position and attitude measurement using BDS and IMUMethod and experiment for measuring bucket position and attitude of excavator using BDS and IMUDownload
A Deep Learning Control Strategy of IMU-based Joint Angle Estimation for Hip Power-Assisted Swimming ExoskeletonIMU-based hip joint angle estimation hip joint angle estimation deep learning control strategyDownload
A High-Precision Integrated Calibration Method for Position and Attitude of Visual-Inertial SystemA high-precision integrated calibration method for position attitude of visual-inertial systemDownload
Addressing the practical challenge of using autopilot drone for asphalt surface monitoring: road detection, segmentation, and followingAddressing the practical challenges of asphalt surface monitoring with autopilot drones: road detection, segmentation and followingDownload